Ultrasound Services in Atlanta and Alpharetta


Meridian Mark Office

5445 Meridian Mark Rd, NE
Suite 430
Atlanta, GA 30342

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At Atlanta Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialists, we provide state-of-the-art ultrasound services that set the tone for accurate insights into your reproductive health. Whether you’re coming in for a prenatal ultrasound or a routine check-up, we leverage technology for accurate assessment and diagnosis for your care plan.

We equip our OB/GYN specialists with advanced tools to create precise care plans. They will also guide you through each step of the process, ensuring your comfort and understanding.

Visualize the road to your reproductive health with us.

The Role of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecological Care

An ultrasound diagnostic tool uses high-frequency sound waves to create live images of the organs inside your body. It is a non-invasive imaging tool that helps doctors diagnose and monitor medical conditions without incisions or exposure to ionizing radiation.

For OB-GYN care specifically, ultrasounds aid doctors in understanding reproductive health at every stage. From general gynecological needs to monitoring the growth and development of babies, this technology is instrumental in answering your biggest reproductive health concerns.

OB Ultrasound for Mother and Baby's Health

One of the most popular uses for ultrasound imaging is during pregnancy, as it provides insights into the health and development of the mother and baby. It is primarily used to monitor fetal development during key stages of pregnancy to ensure it’s on track and proceeding as expected. Additionally, it helps identify any potential issues early on so that these can be promptly addressed.

First trimester ultrasound — weeks 1 to 12

  • Confirming pregnancy and estimating due date: Ultrasounds in the first trimester confirm pregnancy by detecting a few critical markers, like the presence of a gestational sac and an audible fetal heartbeat. It also helps estimate your due date by measuring the embryo’s size.
  • Detecting high-risk pregnancies: Early ultrasounds can reveal early signs of high-risk pregnancies like multiple pregnancies and ectopic pregnancies. Prompt detection will then dictate the steps to ensure your pregnancy goes smoothly.
  • Assessing early development: Ultrasound imaging helps verify that the pregnancy is progressing normally, including the location of the pregnancy (to rule out ectopic pregnancies) and the embryo’s development.

Second trimester ultrasound — weeks 13 to 26

  • Detailed anatomy scan: Around 18 to 20 weeks, a detailed anatomy scan (also known as the mid-pregnancy ultrasound) is performed to check the development of the baby’s organs, spine, limbs, and brain. This scan helps detect any congenital anomalies or developmental issues.
  • Monitoring placenta and amniotic fluid: Ultrasounds are also used to assess the position of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, both of which are critical for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Gender determination: If requested, the second-trimester ultrasound can often reveal the baby’s gender by examining the genital area.

Third trimester ultrasound — weeks 27 to 40

  • Growth and positioning: Ultrasounds in the third trimester monitor the baby’s development, ensuring the size and weight are within a healthy range. They also check the baby’s position (breech, head-down, etc.), vital for delivery planning.
  • Doppler ultrasound: This particular type of ultrasound measures blood flow in different parts of the baby’s body, such as the umbilical cord and brain, ensuring that the baby receives enough blood and nutrients.
  • Monitoring high-risk pregnancies: For pregnancies with complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or other high-risk conditions, frequent ultrasounds help in closely monitoring the baby’s health and making timely medical decisions.
  • Assessing placental health: Ultrasound imaging is used to evaluate the placenta’s condition and function, checking for issues like placental abruption or placenta previa, which can affect the course of the pregnancy and delivery.
Accurate assessments and diagnosis are the bedrock of successful treatments and successful, healthy pregnancies. That is why it is pertinent that we use only the most advanced technologies at Atlanta Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialists. From these insights, we develop personalized care plans that guarantee the best health outcomes for mothers and babies.

What to Expect and Prepare for During an Ultrasound

While we will always guarantee your comfort during your ultrasound, it also helps you prepare yourself for the procedure ahead of time. Due preparation ensures the process goes smoothly and accurate measurements are accomplished.

  • Hydrate and keep a full bladder: For some ultrasounds, particularly those in the early stages of pregnancy, you may be asked to drink several glasses of water and avoid urinating before the scan. A full bladder helps lift the uterus, providing a clearer view of the developing baby. This is crucial for early baby ultrasounds to get accurate images and measurements.
  • Dress comfortably: Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that can be easily adjusted or removed. You may need to expose your abdomen for the ultrasound, so wearing a two-piece outfit can make this more accessible and more comfortable.
  • Strive to arrive early:  Ideally, you should be at the clinic at least 15 minutes before your ultrasound to allow time to accomplish any necessary paperwork. Punctuality also ensures you are relaxed and ready for your baby’s ultrasound.
  • Bring the required documents: These include any relevant medical records, insurance information, and identification that may be asked for before the procedure. It also ensures that results are accurately recorded and compared with your medical history.

Ultrasound for Your Overall Reproductive Health

Ultrasounds are not just for expectant mothers. For women in general, ultrasound imaging is a crucial tool in monitoring and maintaining reproductive health. The technology detects and treats reproductive health concerns early, ultimately improving health outcomes.

Some of these conditions ultrasounds help monitor and detect include:

  • Ovarian cysts: Are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries. They sometimes cause pain and irregular periods. Ultrasounds primarily help monitor their size and growth and determine whether they require treatment or surgery.
  • Uterine fibroids: Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or on the uterus and are often accompanied by heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure on the bladder. Ultrasounds accurately locate and measure these fibroids for appropriate treatment.
  • Endometrial health: The endometrium is the uterus lining, which can be evaluated via ultrasound to detect abnormalities such as endometrial hyperplasia or polyps. This assessment is particularly important for women experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding, as it can help identify underlying conditions that need attention.
  • Monitoring polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a hormonal disorder characterized by multiple small cysts on the ovaries and irregular menstrual cycles. Ultrasound imaging helps diagnose by visualizing the cysts and assessing the shape and size of ovaries.
  • Evaluating pelvic pain: Pelvic pain can have numerous causes, and an ultrasound can help identify conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancies, or other gynecological issues that may be causing discomfort.
  • Guiding fertility treatments: For women undergoing fertility treatments, ultrasounds are used to monitor follicle development and ovulation, ensuring that interventions are timed accurately for the best chances of conception. This precision is critical for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI).
  • Checking for structural integrity: Ultrasound can detect structural abnormalities in the reproductive organs, such as congenital uterine anomalies or adhesions from previous surgeries or infections. Identifying these issues early can help in planning corrective procedures if necessary. 


Gynecological ultrasounds are a diagnostic pillar in women’s health. With these technologies, health professionals deliver precise care for women at every stage in their lives. We invest in the most advanced tools to give you the best women’s health care possible.

Book Your Ultrasound Appointment With Us

At Atlanta Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialists, we understand the importance of clarity, comfort, and confidence regarding your health and the health of your loved ones. 

As a leading ultrasound clinic, we are here to provide you with the most advanced ultrasound technologies available. Whether you are embarking on the journey of parenthood or simply seeking peace of mind, our ultrasound clinic is here to meet your needs.

Take that vital step towards comprehensive health insights, and connect with us today to schedule your ultrasound appointment.

Contact Atlanta Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialists today. Let’s take this important step together towards better health and peace of mind.

FAQs About Ultrasounds

The frequency of baby ultrasounds can vary depending on your pregnancy’s specific needs and any potential complications. Typically, you may have an ultrasound in the first trimester to confirm the pregnancy and estimate the due date, a detailed anatomy scan around 18 to 20 weeks, and possibly additional scans if you’re experiencing a high-risk pregnancy or other medical concerns.
Yes, OB ultrasounds are considered safe for both the mother and baby. They use sound waves, not radiation, to create images, making them a non-invasive and low-risk tool for monitoring fetal development.
If you have a high-risk pregnancy, your healthcare provider may recommend additional prenatal ultrasounds to closely monitor the baby’s development and address any complications promptly. These extra scans provide critical information that helps manage the pregnancy more effectively.
Suppose an issue is detected during an OB ultrasound. In that case, your healthcare provider will discuss the findings with you and recommend further tests or interventions as needed. Early detection through regular prenatal ultrasounds allows for timely and appropriate medical care.